So although my surgery was great, & Mr. Shaw did a fab job it wasn't all plain sailing.. Far from it. So going back to when I was in London, I had this persistent chest pain on my right side, almost like a burning sensation when I moved, particularly when I sat forward or stood up. I mentioned it to my doctor, but nothing was ever investigated so I thought it was part in parcel of the surgery & it would probably heal itself. Well, it didn't.. I went to see my local GP on the 23rd of September for the nurse to check my scars were healing & everything was how it should be. Both the GP & Nurse said how pale I was & that I didn't look well. I mentioned to the GP at this point that I had the recurring chest pain, she then sent me & my mum up to the Royal Victoria Hospital as she didn't know enough about scoliosis or the surgery to advise anything. We then headed to A&E, sat for a few hours before being seen by a Junior Dr. He did bloods, chest x-ray and arterial blood tests.. found nothing wrong, but sent me up to orthopaedics anyway. They were not any help at all!! They simply upped my morphine by 20mg, which was already 140mg per day, and considering i was only 47kilos, that was a lot! They then sent me home. I continued to get worse.. now losing weight too. I couldn't have imagined what was at the bottom of this, all i knew at this point was that I had continuous chest pain that wasn't getting any better..
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